Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Working Mom?

I am sitting at the computer, relishing the quiet time. All the boys are asleep for the night. I spent my first full day away for the family today. I had inservice this morning and then I work on my classroom this afternoon. I got on a roll and stayed later than I planned. Now that I am away from the kids in the day I wonder when working moms rum errands. I need a new swim suit for the beach, but that is really not a family fun trip. I could have gone this evening but I just hated leaving again. I guess it is something I'll just have to get used to.
Jacob took Max to the Brian Kinder concert at the library thus evening. They loved it. We were all going to go put Ben fell asleep and we did not want to wake him. So I stayed home since they had been here all day. Grandpa went to and he bought the kids two CDs . We can't wait to listen to them for nine hours straight.

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